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Lawrence & Vanessa's Wedding

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Guest Check-In

Thank you for being a part of this event! 

If you're at the event now, don't send us anything yet! We want you to enjoy yourself, and come back tomorrow to send in your content. 


You can Check-In Now to access the event page, or you can click "Remind Me Tomorrow", and we will send you an email tomorrow to get things all set-up :)

What Is Guestographer?

Guestographer is a platform for collecting and showcasing photos & videos taken by guests at events! You send in what you captured, make adjustments, and even add commentary if you want! And we take it from there, editing it all together into a special highlight video of the event! It's a completely new way to remember the day, from the unique perspective of the guests.

Still at the event?
We can remind you tomorrow about this :)

How Can We Reach You?

We will send you an email tomorrow to remind you to Check-In and send us what you captured!

We'll Take It From Here!


Don't worry about sending us anything right now, please enjoy the rest of the event. We'll be in touch tomorrow!

Sign-Up Required

Thank you for being a part of this event! 

You will need to create a free account before you can start uploading content. This lets us keep all of your uploads organized, and is an added security measure against spammers.


It's super quick and easy!

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